
punk phd / feminism / motherhood

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Lad Mags Age Restrictions

Whilst in Co-Op today I saw that some lad mags have now been given an age restriction with the buyer having to be over 15. I'm not sure whether this is an national move or just a move by Co-Op, but it's definitely a move in the right direction in my eyes. What concerns me, however, is the age they have chosen - why 15 or over? I'm not too up on laws in this area but isn't the age to watch hardcore porn/purchase porn from licensed sex shops 18 or over? I not implying that what features in some of these lad mags is close to hardcore porn, but they still feature the exploitation of women's bodies which is inherent within porn. As individual cases go, some people are maturer than others and so forth, but perhaps 15 should be raised to 18* - especially since to buy alcohol we have to be 18 and we now have to be to buy tobacco. At 15 we shouldn't be presenting the kind of values featured in lad mags to boys who are in the process of growing up and forming their own ideas about life.

*in an ideal world we wouldn't have lad mags but here I'm just stating that since they do exist, whilst they are circulation this is one way I see of combating certain problems with them.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did hear something interesting about 'Mens monthlies' (har har!) recently from a friend who works in magazine research. The mag market is generally growing, but sales of mens monthlies have been falling continuously since the beginning of the 00s. He said that some of the publishers were responding to this fall by trying to 'porn up' their mags (which apparently isn't actually working) - could the new age restriction be related?

2:29 PM  

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